The visa-free po licy is d raw ing m ore foreign tou rists to China,w ith Shanghai aim ing to be the top destination for inbound travel.
W ith just a sm artphone,visitors can en joy m obile paym ents,scan QR codes for transport,and book tickets……tru ly m ak ing it possible to"travel Shanghai seam lessly!"
M any tou rists are am azed by the"one sm artphone,seam less travel in China" concep t,w here a sim p le tap on their phone can hand le paym ents and even food orders.
W ant to know how to start this convenient jou rney?Save this guide!
Get started w ith A lipay in 2 steps 1、下载和注册Download and register
下载支付宝Ap p,输入手机号码,点击「下一步」,根据页面提示完成注册,也可用邮箱或苹果ID 注册
Dow nload A lipay Ap p,enter you r m obile phone num ber,tap“Nex t”to reg ister.You can also reg ister w ith you r em ail or App le lD.2.绑定银行卡Add bank card
Tap“Add now”and fo llow on-p age p rom p ts to com p lete the p rocess
Pay w ith A lipay wherever you go
支付方法一Option 1
Tap“Scan”,scan the merchant-p resented QR code
支付方法二Option 2
Tap“Pay/Receive”,p resent you r QR code to the
m erchant Op tion
如何使用支付宝乘坐公交地铁?How do I use A lipay
to take a bus or m etro?
Open the A lipay App and tap“Transport”
Tap"Get now"to
co llect you r Bus/M etro Code in A lipay ap p
Present you r
Bus/M etro Code at
bus and subw ay gates
如何使用支付宝“碰一下”?How to use A lipay Tap?
Ho ld the top o f you r phone on the b lue circ le until you hear a“beep”