With the Year of the Snake right around the corner,Shanghai has prepared a cultural and artistic feast for visitors worldwide,from paintings by Im pressionist masters to Flamenco dance performed by the Spanish national treasure troupe and dazzling fireworks display at Shanghai Disneyland.
Masterp ieces of The Pola Museum of Art:From Impressionism to Contem porary Art
This exhibition brings together nearly 70 classic works by Impressionist and Post-Im pressionist masters such as Monet,Renoir,Cezanne,Van Gogh,Gaugu in,Matisse,and Picasso,as w ell as contem porary artists like W o lfgang Tillm ans,H iroshi Sug im oto,and Yayoi Kusam a.
Shanghai Disney Reso rt is already abu zz w ith the festive atm osp here!A s a sym bo l o f the Year o f the Snake,decorations them ed around Gary,a new rep tile character from Zootop ia 2,w ill be show cased du ring the Chinese New Year ho liday.
From New Year's Eve(Jan 28)to Lantern Festival(Feb 12),the Chinese character"蛇"(snake)w ill b loom in the night sky,featu ring Gary in the light.
At 6 pm-9:30 pm from Feb 1 to Feb 12,a light show w ill be staged in the W est Nanjing Road comm ercial area,creating a festive interactive experience on Jiuguang Pedestrian Street and a rom antic imm ersive light and shadow avenue at Jing'an Park.
At 6 pm-10 pm from Jan 27 to Feb 12,snake-them ed p ro jection show s will be played on the Capitol Theatre on the Suzhou Creek riverbank and the g reen space of Waicu ifeng long beside the Huangpu River.
A t 6 pm-10:30 pm from Jan 27 to Feb 4,a collaborative light show will be performed every hou r and every halfhour on buildings in the Wu jiaochang comm ercial area,such as Hopson One Mall,Hyatt Hotel,and Jiangw an Stadium.
Josep h M allo rd W illiam Tu rner is one o f B ritain's m ost adm ired and in fluential artists and is know n as"the painter of light".
El Anatsu i:A fter the Red Moon
It is the largest installation art exhibition held at the M useum o f A rt Pudong since its opening.It p resents a m onum ental scu lp tu ral installation crafted from thousands o f metal bottle top s and fragm ents.
If you go
Address:No 2777 Binjiang Avenue,Pudong New A rea
Open:Closed from Jan 28 to Jan 30.Regu lar operation resum es from Jan 31.Daily opening hou rs are 10 am-9 pm(Last entry at 8 pm)
Carmen was created initially by French realist writer Merimee and adap ted into an opera by composer Bizet.It has been adap ted into over 150 versions w orldw ide in the tw o centu ries since its debu t.The Spanish p rem ier dance troupe,Granada Flam enco Ballet,p resents the Shanghai perform ance.