With Chinese New Year d raw ing c loser,Feng jing Ancient Tow n has adorned itself in festive attire.
From Jan 28(Chinese New Year's Eve)to Feb 12(Lantern Festival),Feng jing w ill host the Sleep less Feng jing event,creating a rich festive atm osphere fo r visitors celebrating Chinese New Year.
Nam ed after the seven treasu res-a go lden lotus scrip tu re,sacred tree,d rifting bell,flying Buddha,go lden rooster,jade chop sticks,and jade axe,Qibao Ancient Tow n is one o f the closest p reserved historic tow ns to Shanghai's u rban center.Du ring Sp ring Festival,various Chinese New Year-themed activities w ill be held at the tow n's Bell Tow er Square,creating a festive and harm onious atm osphere and letting visitors hear the bell that resonates.
Characterized by intersecting w aterw ays,crisscrossing streets,and p ictu resque bridges,Sijing Ancient Tow n em bodies the traditional charm o f Song jiang's w ater villages.V isitors can exp lore its rich cu ltu re,indu lge in local delicacies,and en joy creative and fam ily-friend ly craft experiences perfect for all ages.
Nanxiang Ancient Tow n,w ith over 1,500 years o f history,is one of Shanghai's fou r m ajor ancient tow ns.This year,its iconic tw in pagodas w ill be illum inated w ith snake-shaped lanterns featu ring Nanxiang's fam ous steam ed bun m otifs,symbolizing p rosperity and vitality for Chinese New Year.
Additionally,the lights at Jiefang Street's entrance resem b le a starry w aterfall,w hile ko i-shaped lanterns dance overhead,creating a lively and joyous scene.
The fifth day o f the first month on the Chinese calendar,know n as pow u,is traditionally celebrated as the day to d rive aw ay m isfortune and resum e trade.
On Feb 2,Zhu jiajiao w ill host a celebration featu ring festive perform ances,dance and m usic parades,lion dances,blessings from the God o f W ealth,and a creative marketp lace show casing intang ible cu ltu ral heritage.